Many of us remember the revulsion that we felt in 2011 when watching the BBC’s Panorama undercover investigation into the private hospital in South Gloucestershire known as Winterbourne View.
5 reasons why businesses fail
Times have been pretty tough for most businesses over the last few years, and many have gone to the wall. Seeing lots of empty shops as you walk down the local High Street, or boarded-up factories on the industrial estate is a sad sight, each telling a story of a business that’s failed. What’s even sadder, is that many business insolvencies might have been prevented.
The Summer Budget: A Prescription for Business Failures?
George Osborne’s Summer Budget was not great news for businesses. Certainly there was some good news – reduced corporation tax, increased income tax allowances, raising the higher rate of income tax threshold and the increase in the national insurance employment allowance are all to be welcomed.
Will more SMEs need corporate recovery advice?
With the economy continuing to show signs of recovery, more SMEs are feeling confident about their future. However, this doesn’t mean they are all completely stable, as recent research shows that a growing number are exhibiting financial difficulties. Read more
New rules could help those seeking corporate recovery advice
Often one of the major obstacles preventing SMEs from growing, or in some cases surviving, is the lack of available finance. Even those with the right credit history don’t always get the help they need from the major banks.